
Significance of Friday in Islam

Huzuraba delivered his Friday Sermon on the significance of Friday in Islam. Huzuraba said on the last Friday of each Ramadan, the attendance at mosque increases. It is as if the ‘heat’ of Ramadan melts the ice off the hearts and minds of those who were irregular in coming to Friday. Huzuraba said these people should try their utmost to gather the blessings of the Ramadan and continue coming to the Friday prayers regularly.
Expounding the Quranic verses 62:10-11 Huzuraba said they inform us of the importance of Friday - each Friday, and not any particular Friday. He said whenever one is called to attend Friday prayer, one ought to come without making any excuse, without giving any importance to one’s job, one’s business (one’s source of income). Leave everything else and hasten to Friday prayer. Huzuraba explained to always be mindful of the benefits of Friday and the acceptance of prayers during Friday prayer. This way, he said, one could avoid being entrapped by Satan. Friday helps us to stay on the path of virtues and do good and righteous deeds! With reference to Ahadith Huzuraba expounded that the Holy Prophet (peace and blessings be on him) said that among all the days, Friday was the best day: Adam was created on Friday; he was made to enter Paradise on Friday; he lost Paradise on Friday; and a special moment comes during Friday service when a believer’s prayers are accepted! Further explaining the concept of Adam entering and losing Paradise on Friday Huzuraba said that the purpose of creation of man and Jinn is worship of Allah. Whosoever will act on His commandments and establish worship of Allah, will gain access to Paradise. The children of Adam cannot inherit Paradise unless they fight against satanic inclinations and obey the commandments of Allah and try to come together for worship on Friday. Those who will disobey Allah, follow the Satan, and keep themselves preoccupied with their work during the Friday prayer time, shall lose Paradise. However, Huzuraba said successful Jihad against Satan would make one enter Paradise once again!
Huzuraba said believers are asked to come to Friday prayer leaving aside all else. Once the Friday prayer is over, believers are asked to go back to work, however, they are enjoined to keep remembrance of Allah in their hearts and to be mindful of the observance of the next Salat.
Huzuraba said there is only one certain way to reach Allah and that is by following the Holy Prophet (peace and blessings be on him) and the religion brought by him, Islam, which is the only living religion now. Expounding the significance and blessings of invoking blessings on the Holy Prophet (peace and blessings be on him) by saying salat-un-nabi, Huzuraba said this holds a very special significance when done on Friday. Huzuraba said indeed there is no mention of the last Friday of Ramadan in the Holy Quran or the Ahadith and that it is therefore incumbent upon Ahmadis that they should understand the significance of each Friday and make it certain to attend the Friday prayers. The Holy Prophet (peace and blessings be on him) said that Friday prayer and Ramadan could be our redemption in that observance of sincere Friday prayer and Ramadan could bear testimony for us, redeeming our short-comings and minor misdeeds between one Friday and the next and one Ramadan and the next and that the heart of one who misses three consecutive Fridays is sealed. The Holy Prophet (peace and blessings be on him) informed us that an angel stands on every door of the mosque on Friday and notes down the names in order of the arrival of the worshipers. When the Friday Sermon starts, the angels close their registers and attend the service. Huzuraba said the Companions of the Holy Prophet (peace and blessings be on him) strived hard to come early to the mosque for Friday prayer and that Ahmadis should try and follow that. Huzuraba said in order to be deserving of the designation of the term "AKHAREEN" (the others among them who have not yet joined them) as mentioned in Surah Al Jummah the Ahmadis need to put an all out effort to follow in the footsteps of the Companions of the Holy Prophet (peace and blessings be on him) and try to come to mosque early for prayers.
Huzuraba mentioned the exemption to Friday prayers of four categories: slaves, women, children and the ailing. Huzurabaemphasised that young mothers should not come to Friday prayers with small children. He said it is very important to be mindful of the etiquettes of Friday; complete silence must be observed during the Sermon and even to communicate in low voice is undesirable! Therefore, mothers with small children, who may cause distraction to the worshipers, are exempted by the Holy Prophet (peace and blessings be on him) from coming to the mosque.
Huzuraba prayed that may the blessings obtained during Ramadan and the changes for the better become permanent part of our lives, and that may Allah keep us away from sin throughout the year, grant us forgiveness and may Ramadan become a redemption for us! Huzuraba reminded to continue to pray for Ahmadis of Bangladesh and Pakistan and for the Islamic World.

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